'Realization'- 11 Solo Compositions for the Spanish guitar'
Lyrical & passionate Spanish guitar music composed & performed by the Danish guitarist Kasper Soeborg.
"Realization" is the third and latest sologuitar CD by Kasper Soeborg in the acoustic Spanish guitar trilogy: "Levitation", "Evocation" and - now, finally: "Realization". Here you hear new guitar music composed during the period 2000 through 2002.
The music may at first appear classical, but there are indeed strong
influences from Flamenco, Latin-Jazz, Minimal Music and Folk Music. A study grant from the Danish Arts Foundation in 1999 made intensive Flamenco guitar studies in Sevilla possible.
The inspiration gathered can be heard especially in "Solaris Solea", "Andaluzian Skies", "Sevilla by Night" and "The Spanish Raga" - the latter mixed with an Indian/Oriental Feel. Also, "The Rose from Sevilla" is based on patterns from "Alegria" and uses the Flamenco quintoplet-tremeloe, though its appearance has been turned into a classical waltz. As opposed to Kasper Soeborg's two previous solo CDs, "Realization" allows two steel 12-string guitar compositions to present yet another world of timbre, thus manifesting the "World Music" character of the album as well as the contrasts between the cool Nordic temper and the rather much more "hot Latino mood" of Spain and of Andalucia in particular. The recordings were produced with concern, love and understanding by Finn Olafsson, the ever best way possible.
With its inspiration from nature and cosmos, "Realization" represents a new challenge to the guitar music listener. Although but one single musician - and one solo instrument - "Realization" will, hopefully, bring you on to an ear-opening journey into musical space and time. 12 delicate spheres of musical appreciation. Please enjoy!
Realization - 12 Solo Compositions for Spanish & Twelve-string Guitars
Olafssongs OCD 038
The Rose from Sevilla
Sevilla is a city of many
strong songs
Enjoy this"Alegria", to joy
the joy belongs
Atune romancing the
Andalusian heart
Straight forward love-
mysterious art. |
Solaris Solea
El flamenco pretty difficult to play
- must practice harder every day
the "duende" is proud
-so the rythmic attack
Demands your soul
and you won´t get it back! |
Solaris Solea
Trance of the windchimes
This is not a disco-beat
but it has a little feat:
You can easily enjoy the Trance
even though You do not dance
Andaluzian Skies
White mountain villages
Donkeys amongst the Olive-trees
Vulcanoes rocking in the mid-day heat
to the curvy rocky pooling Coast
the wind from africa
the sun, the sun, the sun
Shadow |
Kasper Søeborg "Realization"
-Anmeldelse i HIGH Fidelity nr.5 Juni-August 03-
Sidste del af en trilogi af den danske guitarist Kasper Søeborg er en tribut til flere forskellige ting. Stemningen og roen fra en eneste spansk guitar er det bærende element, men også detalje og passion er nøgleord i beskrivelsen af det nye album.
De 12 egenkkompositioner vidner om Søeborgs musikalske dannelses-rejser til Andalusien, og det er da også de varm-blodede flamenco-toner der kendetegner Søeborgs musikalske udtryk. "Realisation" er en inspirations-mættet udgivelse, som giver et billede af en fattet og omhyggelig arbejds-proces- ikke mindst det perfektionistiske studiearbejde af producer Finn Olafsson bidrager til følelsen af, at denne plade er omgivet af særlig stor kærlighed og respekt.
Set fra et flamenco-synspunkt kan udgivelsen virke en anelse temperementsforladt og nordisk i sit udtryk, men det er vigtigt at understrege at dette ikke kun er et flamenco-projekt- nærmest tværtimod. "Realization er nemlig ikke udelukkende noget som helst, men en fusion af mange indtryk fra Syd til Nord - varm til kold- med et selvstændigt præg af individet Kasper Søeborg og hans instrument.
"Realization" er et lyrisk og varieret værk, som aldrig flytter focus fra kvalitet eller sjæl.
Kasper Søeborg, Realization,Olafssongs, spilletid 48.55.
-Troels Prahl